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Beauty Recipes Greek Cold Cream

Olive Oil Make-Up Remover & Cleansing Lotion

Cold Cream was developed by the Greek physician, Galen during the 2nd century. It was called “cold cream” because as the water evaporated from the skin, it gave a feeling of coolness. Yield 8 ounces
1/8 tsp borax powder
¼ cup distilled water
½ cup Olive Oil
2 Tbsp grated beeswax
1 tsp rosewater
Dissolve the borax in the water in a glass measuring cup and set aside. Mix together the Olive Oil and beeswax in another glass measuring cup. Place the glass cup in a pan of water (about 1-2 inches of water), making a water bath. Heat the oil-beeswax mixture in the water bath over medium h eat until the beeswax is melted (8-10 minutes) stirring occasionally. When the wax is melted, bring the borax-water mixture to almost boiling (do this by putting the glass cup in the microwave on High for 1 minute). You may also heat it on the top of the stove in a water bath. Remove the oil-beeswax mixture from the water bath. Slowly add the borax-water mixture to it, stirring briskly. (You can also mix the mixture up in a blender). As the mixture cools, add 1 tsp rosewater and stir well. Pour the cream into a clean container with a lid. It will thicken as it cools.
Massage a small amount into your skin and tissue or rinse off with warm water.


Greek Cold Cream

Allover Olive Oil Nighttime Lotion

Mediterranean Mask

Olive Oil Salt or Sugar Scrub

Olive Oil Shampoo

Three Oil Hair Conditioner

Olive Oil Evening Nail Oil